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With this course booking system you can manage courses and bookings.

In the course list you can immediately see when and where courses are held and if free places are still available.

On selecting a course you will find further information about single places, course description and single dates.

In the date list the single course dates are listed.


This software is a web-based PHP/MySQL application. It is compatible with all recent browsers from every computer or mobile device with a network interface or internet access.

Server: Linux, Apache, PHP 5.4.0 or higher, MySQL 5.1 or higher.
Client: Every recent browser with cookies und Javascript enabled.
When transmitting data over the internet, SSL or encrypted VPN is necessary for security reasons.
For creating the form templates for printing, basic HTML knowledge is needed.
Program size (installed) about 11 MBytes.
Program language: German.


This software is still under development and presented on this private website only. It is not available yet.


© 2006-2022 Alfred Fokken

Course list

Course places

Course dates